New technologies and practices for family farming

The course aims to present the applications of technological and social innovation in family farming and the challenges for its implementation based on successful experiences in the region.

Innovation and Sustainability in Family Farming

In this course, various experiences from Brazil, Colombia and other countries are presented as inspiration to make decisive progress in strengthening Family Farming as an agent of transformation.

Family Farming: From concepts to practice

The course presents the Family Farming sector as an important and necessary actor to face the region’s current economic, social, food and environmental challenges.

Short supply chains in Family Farming: A tool for the inclusion of Family Farming in markets

The course presents experiences of short chains in Brazil, Colombia and other countries, showing the important role of Family Farming and the challenges to promote these schemes in te region.

Introducción a inversiones y financiamiento para el desarrollo

El curso busca impulsar innovaciones y nuevos instrumentos de financiamiento para lograr una recuperación con transformación de los sistemas agroalimentarios en el post COVID-19.

Transferencia tecnológica para la innovación agroalimentaria

La importancia de la transferencia tecnológica, los análisis para la toma de decisiones estratégicas, y los desafíos específicos que enfrenta el sector agroalimentario en la región.